Thanksgiving is here and we all know what that means. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are almost here, and I think some people are more excited about these shopping holidays than they are about Turkey Day. These are commercial times we are living in, are they not?
Well, if you cannot beat them, then you might as well join them. So, here are all the great Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals on outdoor gear (and some not so outdoorsy) that I could find for everyone to enjoy. There are plenty of decent deals, so anyone wanting to save some money, so check them out. If these deals do not get you in the mood for the holidays, then I am not sure what will.
Whether an outdoor enthusiast is on your holiday shopping list or you are simply looking to upgrade your equipment, there are deals that should satisfy just about everyone. Take a look below and jump on these opportunities since many end November 29 and/or December 2, 2013!
For all the preppers out there, and those wanting to try some new types of food in the backcountry, Wise Food Storage has several deals running through the end of November. They are offering $89.98 off the Wise Food Storage 4 Week Supply, $236.91 off the Wise Choice Bundle, $639.00 off the Wise Choice Family Bundle and $975 off their Wise Food Storage Ultimate 1-Year Food Supply Subscription. Warning: these items are NOT cheap! Deals are good through November 30, 2013.
tasc Performance is having a Black Friday sale starting on Thanksgiving and running through December 1, 2013 with everything 25-40% OFF! That includes 25% off All Core/Carryover Items and Undies, 35% off all seasonal items, bras and socks, and 40% off fleece, bamboo+merino base systems. That is some serious savings! Plus, FREE SHIPPING on all orders over $100.
In addition to their Black Friday sales, tasc Performance is having many different Cyber Monday sales. These sales are on Monday only, and requires liking their Facebook page to get the sale promo codes for the three hour flash sales. What does that mean? You got me, but some of these deals are outstanding. Save 25% on both men’s and women’s accessories. Save 30% on both men’s and women’s tops. Save 40% on men’s and women’s bottoms. Not enough for you? How about savings 45% for both women’s and men’s base layers. Do not forget, FREE SHIPPING on all orders over $100. Remember, these sales are not active until December 2, 2013.
Mountain Plus is having a number of sales on specific items through Cyber Monday on December 2nd. They continue to offer their super deal on a GoPro Hero+, the on-the-go video camera that anyone interested in recording their backcountry adventures should own. Receive a FREE 16GB SanDisk Ultra Class 10 Micro SD card, a Wasabi battery kit and a GoPole Grenade Grip with purchase, plus FREE SHIPPING. That is a value of…well, I have no idea, but it must be big bucks. I have long wanted to record my bushwhacking adventures, so I might just pick one up for myself, unless of course one of you want to get one for me 😉
Mountain Plus is having a couple other deals too. Buy a Nemo tent and receive a FREE footprint and shipping. Save 15% on Altra Zero Drop Now Running Shoes with FREE Swiftwick socks and shipping. Both of these deals are good through Dec. 2nd. Plus, they are offering up to 40% off snowshoes!
ULA Equipment makes lightweight backpacks that are the envy of many a bushwhacker. In celebration, they are offering a FREE Sawyer Mini Water Filter with the purchase of any backpack over $200. If you are in the market for a new lightweight backpack, this may just be the offer for you!
The Sawyer Mini Water Filter is a lightweight and compact filter (it fits in the palm of a reasonably sized human and weighs only 2 oz!) and is as versatile as all get-out. You can drink from it directly, attach it to a Sawyer Squeeze Pouches, use inline or attach it to a water bottle. It contains the same 0.1-micron hollow fiber membrane filter used in all Sawyer filters. I have used a Sawyer filter for years now; they are super lightweight and seem to last for many years.
CampSaver is offering a large host of sales in honor of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, many of which start immediately! They are offering up to 25% off a slew of items; check them out to see exactly what items. Plus, you can get 20% off on full-priced items, using the coupon code of BLACKFRIDAY. The sale ends on December 2, 2013 and has more exclusions than I could hope to provide, but they include Arc’Teryx, Asics, Canada Goose, Hilleberg, Osprey, Marmot, Ecozoom, Mont-Bell, Western Mountaineering, Hydro Flask and Kelly Kettle. The party poopers!
Rocky Mountain Trail is offering 25% off on Columbia and Black Diamond products, ending December 2, 2013. In addition, they have 30% off select Patagonia items, ending December 4, 2013. Free shipping on orders over $35, and a free $10 promotional Gift Card with orders over $50. Get on the Trail and start savings regardless of where you plan on hiking.
Rock Creek is having several sales. There premiere sale is the Black Diamond Friday Sale, where they are offering 30% OFF on top brands. In addition to the big day, Rock Creek is offering several deals all Thanksgiving week long, including 25% off Mountain Hardwear and free $45 gloves with a $100 Mountain Hardwear purchase. On top of that, get 30% off Marmot through Cyber Monday.
Massey’s Outfitters is having a single sale through both Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Get a 20% discount on all your favorite winter brands, including such big names as Patagonia and Marmot. That darn Marmot sure gets around, does he nor? In addition, FREE SHIPPING for orders over $75.
Shop Moosejaw on Black Friday and receive an Almost Anything Free Gift Card with a purchase over $99. The amount of the gift card increases on a sliding scale based on the amount of purchase, starting at $20 for an over $99 purchase to $100 on an over $499 purchase! Use code MJCARD at checkout to receive this offer. Offer ends December 8, 2013, but why wait. Unfortunately, the offer is not valid for the really good stuff (of course!), so not valid for Western Mountaineering, Canada Goose, Moncler and Montbell items, so forget the fantastic Highlite Sleeping Bag. The gift card expires on January 31, 2014, so you will have to act quickly.
Moosejaw is also discounting some North Face jackets for men and women on Black Friday. Get The North Face Women’s Morningside Jacket for $69.99, with the original price of $99.95. That is a 30% discount! Not to appear sexist, The North Face Men’s Chimborazo Jacket gets the same deal, the original $99.95 price knocked down to $69.99. Thirty percent off!
Finally, on Cyber Monday, Moosejaw is having a super-secret 5X Rewards offer, where you get 50% back in Moosejaw Rewards Points on every order. This offer is good for Dec. 2nd only. It is so hush-hush, they are not releasing the top secret coupon code until the day of the sale. I will post it either here or on Twitter as soon as it is available, so come back and check if this sale interests you. Or just watch my Twitter feed the entire day at work, but do NOT tell your boss I said it was okay! [The super-secret code is 5XREWARD]
USOutdoor has a Black Friday/Cyber Monday deal in their outlet. Take an additional 20% off clothing and outwear using code OUTLET20. In addition, they offer free shipping and no sales tax
. Make your dollars go father this holiday season.
Under Armor is offering 25% OFF the UA Battle Hoodie through December 7, 2013. Plus, there is free shipping for a limited time, with no minimum purchase. If you were ever in the market for a UA hoodie, then now is the time to act. They are all the rage at my gym, so do not be left out!
Although not specifically an outdoor retailer, Gaiam offers organic products, including towels, bedding, clothes as well as environmentally friendly cleaning products. This Black Friday and Cyber Monday they are offering numerous deals on their fine products. Buy one item and get the next at 50% off
using coupon code AF13BOGO50. Good through November 30th.
If that fails to turn your crank, then Gaiam is offering a 20% discount on any three or more items. Just use coupon AF13203. This offer is good from November 28th to December 3, 2013. Finally, save 20% on every order plus get free shipping with no minimum
using code SHOP20AFCY13 from December 1 through the fourth. All dates are 2013, of course!
CampGear is having Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals too. They are having Doorbuster Deals all day long, which change regularly, so you will have to keep coming back to see what they are currently offering. Plus, they are offering 10% OFF on hundreds of items. Free shipping on all orders over $49 too.
Eastern Mountain Sports is offering up to 50% off on almost everything site wide. Some manufacturer restrictions apply and the sale ends December 1, 2013. In addition, they are offering different Power Deals every 6 hours and a Daily Deal every day. Free shipping on everything.
GoLite has an interesting Black Friday/Cyber Monday promotion where you receive FREE GEAR for every $100 they spend. Spend $100 and get a free baseball hat (with a choice of Lu or GL embroidered), spend $200 and get a free organic cotton t-shirt (choice of Switchback logo, GoLite logo or Lu shirt), $300 and get a free fleece beanie, reversible fleece beanie, fleece headband, or Coolmax headband, and best of all, spend $500 and get a free Platte Street synthetic jacket or vest (that is a $350 value!). If you want great lightweight gear and clothing, that is eco-friendly and well-made, GoLite is the way to go!
KLYMIT is offering $45 off their complete Camping Bundle this Black Friday/Cyber Monday. What is a Camping Bundle, you ask? It is a $455 value including a Motion 35 Pack, Static V Camping Pad, KSB 20 Sleeping Bag and the Cush Pillow/Seat, all for just $399.95. But it gets better. Now get another 15% off for the holiday season, using code bundle15. They offer free shipping too, for orders over $99.
REI is offering Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals but they refuse to leak them until midnight on Thanksgiving. They must be really good!! They supposedly include Garmin, Giro, REI and more. When released, I will be sure to add them here when I get a chance. All their prices are good until November 29, 2013. One early offer is 20% OFF Burton outerwear, hats and gloves through December 2, 2013. Free shipping is available site wide, with no minimums until January 2, 2014.
Sierra Trading Post is having a slew of deals this holiday season, including 20-25% off and free shipping when checking out with from Visa on Thanksgiving Day. Unfortunately, they are requesting I keep the Black Friday deals under wraps until the big day. Check back here on Black Friday for links and coupon codes on these great deals. The same goes for the similar Cyber Monday deals.
In addition, Sierra Trading Post has their on-going November promotional deals of 25% off purchases of $125 or more (coupon code AVNOV3), 30% off purchases of $200 or more (again, coupon code AVNOV3) and 20% off any purchase (coupon code AVTURKEY3). All of these deals expire December 4, 2013.
If you have any questions or are looking for a good deal on something specific, let me know in the comments section and I will see what I can do to help you out with it.
Also, check out the Special Deals Coupons on the right hand side of this webpage. You might be able to use some of these coupons in conjunction with the other deals to save even more moola. It is impossible to save too much of that!
And remember, any sales made through this website will result in the Bushwhacking Fool receiving a small commission based on the total sale price. These commissions help to offset the costs of time and money required to keep this website up and running. Any purchases will be greatly appreciated.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Affiliate Disclaimer: Some links within this blog post may send you to a retailer website. If you chose to purchase any product on that site at that time, this author receives a small commission. These commissions provide compensation for the author’s time and effort necessary to provide the content at the Bushwhacking Fool.