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Central Pepperbox Wilderness Trip Report Day Two: Bushwhacking up the Bear Pond outlet

The following is the second part of a report on the second day of a bushwhacking trip through the interior of the southern portion of the Pepperbox Wilderness. The majority of the trip follows along streams and beaver vlys with the exit from the area following a marked herd path from the wild interior of

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Central Pepperbox Wilderness Trip Report Day Two: In Search of Water Access along Threemile Beaver Meadow

The second day of my bushwhacking trip through the interior of the Pepperbox Wilderness finds me following along the northern ponds of the Threemile Beaver Meadow. Along the way, I stop at the beaver dam of the northern-most pond to filter water before heading to Bear Pond.

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Central Pepperbox Wilderness Trip Report: Bushwhacking up Threemile Beaver Meadow

The first day of a five-day trip through the central Pepperbox Wilderness of the northwestern Adirondack State Park. The majority of the trip follows along streams and beaver vlys with the exit from the area following a marked herd path from the wild interior of this wilderness area. Highlights of the trip include the Threemile Beaver Meadow, Bear Pond, Moshier Creek and Moshier Reservoir. The first day follows a herd path north along the Threemile Beaver Meadow to the first of three large beaver ponds within this vast series of beaver meadows.

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Stillwater Reservoir to Cranberry Lake Bird Report

The eight-day epic trek through the heart of the Five Ponds Wilderness from Wanakena to Stillwater Reservoir and back via Cranberry Lake yielded a total of 62 confirmable bird species. The high number of avian species was most likely due to the great diversity of habitat encountered including a couple large lakes, many small glacial

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Aside: Bushwhacking Legs

Sea legs is a term used to describe the ability to walk steadily on a boat or ship, especially on rough seas. In addition, the term is used often as a metaphor for adjusting to living at sea. A similar term applied to off-trail hiking is bushwhacking legs. Although not as commonly used as its

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Stillwater Reservoir to Cranberry Lake Trip: Fireworks at Cat Mountain

The following is day seven of my epic hike from Wanakena, NY to Stillwater Reservoir, and Cranberry Lake. The entire trip required backpacking via trail into the heart of the Five Ponds Wilderness, a lengthy bushwhack to the northern terminus of the Red Horse Trail, another trail hike, and a short bushwhack to Gun Harbor

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Aside: Bushwhacking over balloon litter

What kinds of thoughts does the sight of a balloon illicit for you? Birthdays? Weddings? New babies? Grand openings? Circus clowns? UFO sightings? Unfortunately, I no longer associate balloons with joyous occasions, instead I think of litter. Yeah, litter. Like the type of refuse you see strewn along the side of the road. Except this

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Stillwater Reservoir to Cranberry Lake Trip: The Long Trek to Streeter Fishpond

The following is an account of day six of my epic hike from Wanakena, NY to Stillwater Reservoir, Cranberry Lake and then back to Wanakena. The entire trip required backpacking via trail into the heart of the Five Ponds Wilderness, a lengthy bushwhack to the northern terminus of the Red Horse Trail and another trail

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Central Pepperbox Trip Teaser

From August 31 to September 4 I took what is most likely my last bushwhacking trip in the Adirondacks for 2010, where I journeyed deep into the heart of the central Pepperbox Wilderness. Although I have explored much of this 22,560-acre wilderness area in the past (e.g. the northwestern Cowboy Beaver Meadow area during Labor

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Stillwater Reservoir to Cranberry Lake Trip: Bushwhacking to Toad Pond

The following is an account of day five of my epic hike from Wanakena, NY to Stillwater Reservoir, Cranberry Lake and then back to Wanakena. The entire trip required backpacking via trail into the heart of the Five Ponds Wilderness, a lengthy bushwhack to the northern terminus of the Red Horse Trail and another trail

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